
Internal Transfer To Another Victorian Government School

Applications to transfer can be submitted anytime, up to two weeks before the end of term and current host school will facilitate the transfer process

Prior to completing the transfer application form, parents should double check the key requirements as follows:

1. Propose commencement date of studies at new host schools

2. List out the name of proposed new host school (maximum of three schools)

3. Specify the reason for the transfer request

4. Clarify if you are requesting a change to your children’s current welfare arrangement

5. Attach the required documents with the transfer application form, including evidence to support the reasons for transfer, copies of student’s attendance reports, copies of student’s most recent school reports.

6. A $748 non-refundable transfer fee applies

Click to download the form:

If you have any further enquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to MLE consulting.


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  • MLE Consulting Services Pty Ltd
  • +61455297120
  • 6 Bardolph Court, BENTLEIGH VIC 3204 - Main Office
  • Level 17, Tower 4, 727 Collins street, Docklands VIC 3008 - Melbourne City Office

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