How to Search Government Schools
How to search for nearby government schools in categories such as primary & secondary schools across all states.
In Victoria
The Find my School website is the official and most up to date source of school zone maps
in Victoria. All government primary, secondary and specialist schools are on Find my School.
In South Australia
List of Primary Schools
List of High Schools
Choose from a range of accredited South Australian government primary & high schools. All
of our schools provide a caring and supporting environment for young students.
In New South Wales\
This website is to find a school in the right location to meet the international students’ study
and lifestyle needs.
In Queensland
More than 95 Queensland schools welcome international students to study the Queensland
curriculum. This school search tool will help you find the right school for you
In Western Australia
Available schools are approved by the Director General of Education to accept overseas students
In Australian Capital Territory
List of Primary Schools
List of High Schools
The ACT Education Directorate embraces cultural diversity and welcomes international students, from Preschool through to Year 12, to experience innovative, future focused, quality learning environments
In Tasmania
List of Primary Schools
List of Junior High Schools
List of Senior High Schools