Visa 888 - Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa
Types of Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa:
- Business Innovation Stream
- Investor Stream
- Significant Investor Stream
With this visa, you can:
- This visa lets holders and certain people who have held a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Business Innovation stream or the Business Innovation Extension stream, or holders of a subclass 444 (Special Category) visa, or certain holders of a subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay) visa, stay permanently
Basic Eligibility:
- Hold a relevant stream of the subclass 188 visa or in relation to applications for a subclass 888 visa in the Business Innovation stream, hold a relevant stream of the subclass 188 visa, or a subclass 444 (Special Category) visa, or a subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay)) visa granted in certain circumstances.
- Meet the requirement of owing and managing a business, total assets and employee requirements and residence requirements
- Meet health and character requirements